Ru Eng
Pipes & drums of
Волынки и барабаны
Ru Eng

Pipes & drums ofPipes & drums of


Волынки и барабаныВолынки и барабаны


Фестиваль Ural Music Night О проекте
The City of Perm. International ethnofuturist festival «Kamva» О проекте
Marching practice of the Band in the parks of Pushkin town О проекте
Concert for St. Petersburgers and city guests in Victory Park О проекте
St. Andrew’s Day Scottish Ball in «Astoria» Hotel О проекте
Polytechnic University of St. Petersburg, the White Hall О проекте
St. Patrick’s Day in the Pubs of St. Petersburg О проекте
The 12th International Folk Music Festival dedicated to St. Patrick’s Day (in «Cosmonaut» club, St. Petersburg) О проекте
320 years of Sarov city О проекте
The 16th International Festival of Military Bands «Viva St. Petersburg!» О проекте

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